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Nate (josh's bro) shared this with us...It's amazing... Can you see it before the end?
The other day I got bored and made this cake. We had a chocolate cake mix, but no frosting and me being the sugar adict that I am... got adventurous and made my own. It has choc. fudge on top and buttercream in the middle. It ended up tasting like a giant hostess cupcake....yummy!!! Lets just say it did not look this pretty for very long. We all had a slice after our dinner and then after the kids went to bed, Josh and I just dug in w/ a fork. I think I had some for breakfast the next day....Man I should not make cakes....
The last few days the weather has been sooo nice. A scourching 60+ degrees and I couldn't stand staying inside all day any longer. So, my friend Tara invited us over to run and play at her house. We all enjoyed it so much. They had a huge play structure, a sand box and lots of room to run. The boys even flew their kites, as the wind was starting to pick up. All the moms hung out, chatted and sipped coffee. Such a wonderful time. I can't wait until I have my own yard to do that in...Someday, right?
Oh and check out the kiddos' pages for more pics and other happenings around here :o)