Now I don't want to upset anyone who has one of these, but I hate them and yes I have driven one. They are just too bulky and too long. And really we don't need 15 seats. Plus for the millage it gets we could drive around two Jettas and still average 10mpg better, at least, than one of these. Anyhoo... here is Josh's solution to this here quandary.....

The Dodge Sprinter 12 passenger conversion van. It gets an average of 22mpg and is a lot smaller and better designed than the average American conversion van. Anyone have any input on this? Know of an even better vehicle out there for a family of 6?
So....What Would You Drive?
what about getting a suburban !??! you think that would be too small to fit the boys when they are older?
they use too much fuel, so that automatically rules it out for Josh. :o(
Suburbans are what I like the best...or a retrofitted hummer w/ extra seats :oD
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