Hola all! We're down to two weeks left until Josh's graduation! He has one week left of school full of presentations and finishing up projects then finals week. He actually doesn't have any finals this quarter but will be working full time at his work study until he earns the remainder of his allotted monies. Yay for earning money! Our trip to Seattle went well. I got a dress down there, but it was the same one I had already found up here. Josh couldn't find a suit anywhere that fit, so we went into Men's Warehouse on memorial day and he got fitted and got two complete suits with shirts, ties, shoes and a belt for $700. Everything was buy one get one half off, except the shoes. We went over to Target the day after Gabriel's birthday party and I found polo shirts for the boys on clearance for $1.98 each! I also found the cutest little romper for Eli to wear and it matches my outfit perfectly. Oh, speaking of Gabriel's birthday...we had lots of fun and I will be posting pics over on the boys' blog shortly. We would love continued prayer from everyone and if you're going to be in the area, you are invited to Josh' graduation June 13 at 4pm. Let me know if you'd like to come :o) Here is a sneak peek of mine and Elizabeth's outfits...

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