Here's our little trooper Joshua at the ER last night. I'm tired so I'm not going into all the details, but he was rolling on the floor last night complaining of pain and after a nice long trip to the ER we have learned that he has a Ingenial (sp?) Hernia or hernia of the groin, to be specific. So our Little Man is going to need surgery! AHH! Should make for a good homeschool biology lesson. LOL I'll keep everyone posted on the details as they come. Oh and please excuse my foot in this pic I was holding Elizabeth.
Just a note to wish your family my thoughts and prayers for a successful and smooth experience at the hospital. I hope you don't mind me becoming a follower, I want to see how your young man is doing as he recovers, and I also want to show my support as a fellow humans being, or rather "Fellow Slug" (inside family joke, come visit me and you may understand the silliness here!) Love and hugs from the Central Oregon Coast, from "Mrs. Slug" of Slug's Rest in Toledo
We'll be praying for little Josh... Hugs & love from us!
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