We had a wonderful Christmas Eve this year all snowed in. It is usually our tradition to spend Christmas Eve with my family at my mom's house, but no one else was able to make it up and due to our current vehicle situation my mom would have had to pick us up for us all to come out, so they just came here. I cooked a ham dinner, [that was delicious :-) ] then Josh and I snuck out for a bit to finish up some christmas shopping, exchanged gifts and had some pie.

My mom and dad brought paper plates...they're so smart... it made clean up a breeze!
My ham made my roasting pan shatter and the dripping started running off the counter onto the carpet. Luckily I got it all cleaned up and the roasting pan was the only casualty of the day. Well... besides the rolls that got a little darker than they should be while I was dealing w/ the ham fiasco.
Thanks to my mom and dad, Elizabeth will continue to be one of the best dressed babies in the nursery at church LOL!
The boys all got some new clothes too and a computer game from Grandma and Papa
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