Really I have :o) We've been up to a whole lot of nuttin' around here. Josh is applying for or talking to someone about a job just about every day. Just when we're about to give up and send him off to work at McD's we hear of another job somewhere that just sounds fantastic, but no one has hired him yet. He had talked w/ the job down in TX, but they could only promise him work through the end of the year w/ no benefits and no relocation, so we turned that one down. Then the job in Moscow, ID called and had him come in for an interview and they really liked him, but they have to wait until they get the funding to hire him. In addition to these we've had lots of "not a this time" or "not interested" answers as well as no answers at all. But, we know God has a place for us out there somewhere and we're ready and eager to go where ever He wants us.

We've spent the last month enjoying the last bits of summer. When Josh went to ID, the kids and I went to his brother's house to spend time w/ my
SIL and her girls and Josh met up w/ us there. We took in a couple $2 movies, went to
Ikea and the
Puyallup Fair. The movies were great, we saw Up w/ the whole family and then Trish and I went out to see Star Trek w/ the babies
during nap time, it was wonderful :o)
Ikea was great of course and we got Eli some new bedding, as her tiny crib
blankie was not sufficing anymore. The
Puyallup Fair was not so great. Word to the wise...Free admission day is not that great of a deal when you can't do anything because of the masses of people in your way! Here is a pic of the highlight of our
experience$3 for an ear of corn...not pictured is the $5 soda!
Coming up this next month Josh and I will be taking in our first ever vacation alone. We are pretty excited and as a bonus the hotel stay is FREE! I won the
KVOS "find Deb at the fair" contest back in August during the
Lynden Fair and I won gift certificates to
Shilo Inns and dinner at Anthony's. Since
Shilo Inns and Anthony's aren't in the same locations we went out to dinner last week and I really enjoyed it since I have recently weaned Elizabeth and was able to eat whatever I wanted w/o having to worry about her allergies. I was fantastic!